+94 11 224 3535

Secondary School – National Curriculum

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

– Albert Einstein –

Dream High

Our students will take 9 or more national ordinary level subjects in the most supportive environment possible. Our teachers are continuously aiming to set higher standards, because education is an experience that enables students to discover their possibilities and potentials. Instead of training for rigorous race of success in the system where the opportunities are limited with high competition, we are educating students to create their own possibilities, and to pursue dreams that identify with who they are. All Nations is here to bring forth exemplary patriotic citizens with children’s God-given talents and potentials.

Why Us?

Our main aim for the secondary students is to provide a challenging and supportive environment in which they can achieve their academic potentials, while equipping them with the skills they will need for life beyond the school. Having been fostered as men and women of character with virtue and genuine compassion for others, we encourage our students to be ambitious, and to have the confidence to pursue their future goals.